Citizens Residents Tourists

Civilized Human Beings

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Carbon removal at a faster rate that would seem worth the investment

 An investment risk that has a purpose which seems more than worth while

Cause americans are not driving less, flying less, turning lights off at night, buying small tv's, or showing simple easily understood style of life suggestion a positive care factor towards the world they live on!

Inevest for the future of life on this planet


Full understanding of a means to reduce and possible venture with investments 


More info with putting are wallets towards a better future



Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Mack Trucks' Mysterious New Haven Railbus: A Transit Enigma!

Need one of these for the only rail across Cape Cod. Hardly anything done for the people and just the people needing to do for themselves!

Get a simple number of commuters to somewhere they need to go Especially those with bicycles!

Thursday, June 13, 2024

what an ignorant ass

What it ain't going to ask Americans they sit parked in their vehicle down on the edge of a beach or a shore or dock and just leave their car running sitting in the car watching the day go by when it's obviously a good f****** time to get out and sit and enjoy the Sun and sit on the rock or sit on a piece of wood in a large rock down at the bay but they'd rather just sit in the neck or so it's definitely good to understand the ignorance

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Costal Medical Sit or Speed n Waste

Amazing how Costal Medical ambulances sit idling with nothing going on, a nice comfortable day to work through.
Even how they do not follow speed limits on posted highways, and go whizzing by with no emergency light activated.
To have the engine running, windows closed, AC running. Even driving the big square vehicle in a very inefficient manner. Let alone ignoring the laws for the highways n roads they travel across.
Wasting fuel which is money, decreasing safety which is higher insurance rates, while polluting the air needed with survival across a planet.
And yet to save the life of an animal which probably born with, or accepted thanks to living in a country which boast about its freedom.
All thanks to medical requirements for those whom are stupid, careless, haphazard towards life, and the rare few whom are unlucky
Ignorance has evolved from previous knowledge creating  requirements with current and future needs for previous and upcoming generations of intelligent two legged life
Following rules, maybe even simple solar panels atop ambulance coud solve a complex form with accepted pollution for a social life style in a free nation.....
Write this out
Good twenty minutes sitting at window observing this ambulance parked with the engine running and windows closed. Still!

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Cape Scrod, MA, United States
Living in America has it's understandings